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The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, multi-issue, grassroots political organization open to all citizens of voting age. The League encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. It never supports or opposes political parties or candidates. The League takes action on selected matters of government concern that its membership has studied. The League of Women Voters consists of over 1,100 local Leagues active in communities large and small throughout the United States. Together we form the League of Women Voters of the United States. The LWVUS is a national, grass roots, nonpartisan organization with over 75 years experience in practical democracy. Every state and the District of Columbia also has a League of Women Voters. Membership at the local level automatically includes membership at all three levels. For more information about the League of Women Voters of Newton(LWVN), please call (617) 964-0014. League of Women Voters Nonpartisan PolicyPurpose. The purpose of this policy is to enable the League as an organization to carrry on with service to voters, information to citizens and lobbying and campaigning on issues. The policy distinguishes between the League as an organization and the rights of its individual members. General. The League of Women Voters of Newton is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. The League's effectiveness lies in its ability to take strong positions on issues in the public interest, without regard for partisan afflilation. The League also encourages participation in local government by informing the citizens of Newton about their rights and responsibilities as voters. The Policy as it applies to Membership. The League prides itself on having a membership composed of diverse, informed women and men. Its individual members are encouraged to participate fully in party politics and in government at all levels. Many League members have strong affiliations with political parties or candidates, or are elected officials themselves. The Policy as it applies to Board Members. The Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of Newton has a responsibility to uphold the nonpartisan status of the League as an organization. The President, Vice Presidents, and Voters Service Chairperson shall not engage in visible support of political candidates. Other Board Members may be politically active at all levels. However, they should use discretion to ensure that their own activities are not identified with the League in the Public Mind. If any questions arise regarding the nonpartisan policy, the matter will come before the Board for interpretation and discussion. If a Board member resigns from the Board because of a conflict of this policy, that member may not return to the Board until after the next Annual Meeting. Final decisions about implementing this nonpartisan policy rest with the Board of Directors. Newton League of Women Voters home Membership InformationHow to Join the LeagueThe League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government. The League also influences public policy through education and advocacy. Any citizen of voting age, male or female, may become a League member. Joining the League of Women Voters of Newton automatically enrolls you in the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts as well as in the League of Women Voters of the United States. Why Join the League of Women Voters?Because you want to make a difference. You know that the future depends on people like you -- people learning about the issues, speaking out and seeking positive solutions to the problems confronting our communities and our country. When you join the League of Women Voters, you are doing something good for democracy -- and good for you. As a member of the League, you will:
It's your decision how involved you want to be. Whatever you decide, your membership gives the League the political clout we need to be a voice for citizens and a force for change. As a voting member (citizen at least 18 years of age and a member of a recognized local League) you will have all the benefits of League membership. You may serve on League boards and be a delegate to conventions and councils. Members participate actively in formulating League program and policy and determining League action. To join the League of Women VotersSend email to akoch-lwvn@rcn.com or write to: Membership Chair, League of Women Voters of Newton, PO BOX 610207, Newton Highlands, MA 02461, or call the League Phone at (617) 964-0014. To join send $50 payable to LWVN to the above address. A fund is available for those who need financial assistance with membership. We also have discounted household and student memberships. Publications Members receive the following League publications.
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Copyright ©, League of Women Voters, Newton
Last updated: 6-Jan-04